Monday, August 31, 2009
Best Description: Pedestrian
Even I have to admit Favre looked fine tonite, if not a little boring. I would assume that's what Minnesota wants out of Brett Favre: to be a game manager. I just don't believe for a second that's what Brett Favre will grow accustomed to being. He never did it in Green Bay, not in 16 years and not in one year with the Jets. The two things I would be most fearful of if I was a Minnesota fan is the fact that Favre is positively getting his ass kicked in the pocket and the fact that Brett Favre is positively getting his ass kicked out of the pocket. The dude is 17 years in the league, and can touch 40 with his nose hairs. Will this be the first season Favre doesn't finish due to injury?
Favre's numbers:
13/18 - 142 yds - 1 TD - 0 INTs
QB Rating: 113.66
Next They'll Tell Us Unicorns Aren't Real
The Favre-saves-Minnesota-from-the-swirling-maelstrom story turns out to be just slightly short of the required ticket sales to save the Vikings from seeing the Legend on TV this season, it turns out.
Not even Brett Favre is exempt from the NFL's Gestapo style blackout rules, it seems.
Die unicorns, die!
Is That a Cracked Rib or Remorse?
Well well well. Will wonders never cease? ANOTHER setup for failure? I would say this is getting a little tired, but that'd be cliche'. It's been said so many many times before. Kevin Seifert over at ESPN is reporting this afternoon that Brett Favre believes Brett Favre has a cracked rib. I think Kevin Seifert is a dink, so I'm not linking to his story.
Not Kevin Seifert's story
(PHOTO: Getty Images)
Friday, August 28, 2009
How's That Bitter Pill Taste?
I know it's preseason, but Aaron Rodgers' stats for the 1ST HALF of tonite's AZ game read:
14/19 - 258 yds - 3 TDs - 0 INTs
39 yds rushing
QB rating = 155.1
Chew on that. Ted Thompson is a poor talent evaluator. I'm sure The Legend would have had the maximum 158.3. Good luck on Monday, Mississippi.
14/19 - 258 yds - 3 TDs - 0 INTs
39 yds rushing
QB rating = 155.1
Chew on that. Ted Thompson is a poor talent evaluator. I'm sure The Legend would have had the maximum 158.3. Good luck on Monday, Mississippi.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"If He Wants to Play, Let Him Play"
I think I have them figured out.
So I keep hearing this argument from Favre lovers about "If he wants to play football, let him play football." Could this non-analytical, everything-is-black-or-white comment be any further from the truth? It just shows a laziness in information gathering or an utter lack of understanding of the situation to even come to that conclusion. It's like people know they've got no leg to stand on anymore in supporting this guy and so they just throw up something they ate from earlier in the day, point at it and go: "See, there's proof that Favre woulda won at least three of them seven games Rodgers lost by four points or less."
I understand it's a business and I probably take it too much to heart the things that happen. I've always been a guy who wore his heart on his sleeve - for real, not fictitiously as part of my agent-created persona for some public charade, typical of someone else we know. Had Favre decided back in March of last year: "I'm tired, but I'm coming back. We made a great run, but I don't think we finished the job. I want one more chance to win a Super Bowl." I would have said, "Cool. Let's go." But he didn't. He said he was going to quit because he was tired and didn't think he had anymore to give. I appreciated his candor and willingness to go out on his own terms. It made up for a lot of the waffling from the previous two years. Heck, even a couple of months later when it came about that he was considering coming back, I thought: "Probably wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." I forgave him one more indiscretion. But when it came out that he rebuffed a couple of attempts the Packers made to reach out to him, it was over. Plain and simple. The guy didn't deserve the attention or credit I had given him. And we know how the rest of this plays out. We've been over it a thousand times.
But to hear people say "Let him play if he wants to play" gives no intelligent thought to the idea that it has nothing to do with Brett Favre wanting to simply play football. He wants payback. He wants to prove the naysayers wrong like the typical "bet against me" Favre of the Super Bowl team. The thing that's at the heart of this, though, is that I think these folks who have given him every free pass in the book are now starting to have that inkling of darkness swirl into their thought process. "Is this guy really a "me guy" and not the gunslinger we knew and loved?" And it hurts them to think they've been duped. So they don't argue anymore. They throw out a non sequitur to disarm rather than engage in debate. Because who wants to admit they've been duped when they've fought so hard to pitch their position? No one. And this is the worst scenario because it's become so vitriolic on both sides. There's no "I'm glad you admitted being wrong, come on over to our side." It'd play out more like: "I told you all along you were wrong and you're still wrong." Worse, arguing his position is a bit like being OK with your spouse cheating on you. You don't care that your hero has now donned the uniform of your most hated rival? In fact, you're going to CHEER for him, now? It's just wrong in every way, shape or form.
And so with this creeping suspicion that you've gone too far in protecting this guy's antics and fall-throughs, you simply give the debate over to a pat: "If he wants to play, let him play."
So I keep hearing this argument from Favre lovers about "If he wants to play football, let him play football." Could this non-analytical, everything-is-black-or-white comment be any further from the truth? It just shows a laziness in information gathering or an utter lack of understanding of the situation to even come to that conclusion. It's like people know they've got no leg to stand on anymore in supporting this guy and so they just throw up something they ate from earlier in the day, point at it and go: "See, there's proof that Favre woulda won at least three of them seven games Rodgers lost by four points or less."
I understand it's a business and I probably take it too much to heart the things that happen. I've always been a guy who wore his heart on his sleeve - for real, not fictitiously as part of my agent-created persona for some public charade, typical of someone else we know. Had Favre decided back in March of last year: "I'm tired, but I'm coming back. We made a great run, but I don't think we finished the job. I want one more chance to win a Super Bowl." I would have said, "Cool. Let's go." But he didn't. He said he was going to quit because he was tired and didn't think he had anymore to give. I appreciated his candor and willingness to go out on his own terms. It made up for a lot of the waffling from the previous two years. Heck, even a couple of months later when it came about that he was considering coming back, I thought: "Probably wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." I forgave him one more indiscretion. But when it came out that he rebuffed a couple of attempts the Packers made to reach out to him, it was over. Plain and simple. The guy didn't deserve the attention or credit I had given him. And we know how the rest of this plays out. We've been over it a thousand times.
But to hear people say "Let him play if he wants to play" gives no intelligent thought to the idea that it has nothing to do with Brett Favre wanting to simply play football. He wants payback. He wants to prove the naysayers wrong like the typical "bet against me" Favre of the Super Bowl team. The thing that's at the heart of this, though, is that I think these folks who have given him every free pass in the book are now starting to have that inkling of darkness swirl into their thought process. "Is this guy really a "me guy" and not the gunslinger we knew and loved?" And it hurts them to think they've been duped. So they don't argue anymore. They throw out a non sequitur to disarm rather than engage in debate. Because who wants to admit they've been duped when they've fought so hard to pitch their position? No one. And this is the worst scenario because it's become so vitriolic on both sides. There's no "I'm glad you admitted being wrong, come on over to our side." It'd play out more like: "I told you all along you were wrong and you're still wrong." Worse, arguing his position is a bit like being OK with your spouse cheating on you. You don't care that your hero has now donned the uniform of your most hated rival? In fact, you're going to CHEER for him, now? It's just wrong in every way, shape or form.
And so with this creeping suspicion that you've gone too far in protecting this guy's antics and fall-throughs, you simply give the debate over to a pat: "If he wants to play, let him play."
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Brett Favre Is a Boob

In other news, some crazy lady spray-painted a goat purple and shaved a number 4 in its fur and was set to sacrifice the thing before she stopped for a tuneup on her car. Thank God for mechanics who check when they hear horns and hoofs rattling around in trunks.
Goat sacrifices are more common than you think
"Maybe a True Packer Player Would Understand How I Feel"

The sentiment lately that's blossomed from Favre's hastily (if you believe he and Chilly) convened press conference last week is outrage. The last hangers-on of Favre support are still hanging on. They've lost all their fingernails by now, but they still have at least one tooth left.
For the others who were willing to forgive him last year but can't stomach this finger-in-the-eye turn this year, I applaud you for coming over to the good side once again.
And I say good for you, Ron Knautz. Good for you.
Officially vilified
This Guy Must Have a Great Lawyer

Or brass balls. I mean, who DOES that? The JetPack jersey was just tacky. This is classless and stupid. No one wears purple in the fall.
Where was I? Oh yes, more love of the Legend. It's permeating the intertubes. Tell me when to stop. I will need some sleep before long.
The legacy tarnished? NO!
God, I Love the Word Disingenuous

Ross Tucker of thinks that this thing called chemistry amounts to a lot in football. Tell us something we don't know, Ross! Of course chemistry encompasses a lot of interesting reactions: sodium and water, for example.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Legend Is a Washed Up Dream-Crusher

The person you see above is Sean Glennon, aspiring practice squad QB for the Minnesota Vikings. See, Sean had designs on making the practice squad as the fourth QB on the Vikings' depth chart. When he heard Favre was considering a return to the league on the good ship Purple, he thought his hopes were dashed. But then Favre said "Nope, I ain't comin' back." And Glennon was happy again. But then the truth about Favre resurfaced: he was "Jes kiddin'!" And returned atop a gleaming white horse this week.
But hey, he made his decision based on the feelings of his pre-teen daughter. Who are we to fault him for that? Let's go easy on the guy. His motivations are pure. Bueller? Bueller?
Sean Glennon dislikes The Legend
(Photo Credit: By Tracy A. Woodward -- The Washington Post Photo )
Well Well Well ...
Favre v. Rodgers (wk 2 preseason)
Friday, August 21, 2009
And This Is What 39 Years Old Looks Like

Well that performance sure looked like a washed-up 39 year-old, didn't it? Here's a call to all the Favre suppor- errr, appologists: Please, tell me how this decision looks after seeing that? I know everyone thought he was going to come out and light it up on a couple of passes and show us the ol' helmet-in-hand, charging-off-the-field Super Bowl Brett ... but that's not what we got, was it? How's skipping training camp looking now? A couple of weeks to knock off the rust should do it. Good luck, Vikings and Favre fans. You're gonna need it this year.
Seifert's blog
(PHOTO: Bruce Kluckhohn, US Presswire)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Of Legacy and Ignorance

I loved the part in his press conference today when Favre bristled at the mention of his legacy. "First of all, when people start talking about my legacy, it's mine. It's what I think of it." Apparently you don't read much, then, Brett. Pretty much 90% of us think you're an absolute a-hole with no regard for anyone but yourself.
Vitriol from everywhere
Oooh, Not All the MN Fans Are Hyped at Brett Being Brett

Well well well. Glazer was right again. I was right again. And Brett Favre is still the selfish egomaniac we've all known him to be for the past several years. Got out of the first two weeks of camp? Check. Got himself a big fat paycheck? Check. Managed to sound like an unassuming, team-first, soft-spoken, good ol' boy? Check. The rest of the world outside of the gap of air keeping Brett Favre's ears from caving in his skull realizing he's still the same old selfish, stick-it-to-the-Packers chucklehead? Check.
Kissing Suzy Kolber (NSFW)
Monday, August 17, 2009
And I Was Just Thinking: "Man It's Been Awhile Since I Updated"

I'd put money on this one. Of course, I always have.
Go away already
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Maybe That Favre Timeline Will Accelerate

The Four-Letter is reporting T-Jack sprained his MCL, which could leave the door open for you-know-who. Of course, Childress is going with the guys he's got right now, according to the train conductor of the Polar Express.
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